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Nyla's Crafty Teaching

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I am a primary school teacher with a knack for teaching to the multiple intelligences, particularly the visual learner. My resources are inspired by my experience of teaching different students with unique ways of learning. I love the magic of helping them to make connections in learning. The grades 3-5 are mostly what I cater to, however, I also have some great resources for grades 1 and 2.




I am a primary school teacher with a knack for teaching to the multiple intelligences, particularly the visual learner. My resources are inspired by my experience of teaching different students with unique ways of learning. I love the magic of helping them to make connections in learning. The grades 3-5 are mostly what I cater to, however, I also have some great resources for grades 1 and 2.
Sphere Lesson Plan

Sphere Lesson Plan

Sphere lesson plan with structured activities and a worksheet. At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: Name the properties of a sphere Define a sphere Circle pictures of spheres in the environment This 5E lesson plan has the questions you need to ask your students as you guide them through each activity to encourage critical thinking. It is based around a sports theme. 6 pages. Grades 2-4. Answer key included. TeacherNyla Nyla’s Crafty Teaching
Cube Lesson Plan

Cube Lesson Plan

Cube Lesson Plan for ages 8 to 10. If you are teaching about solids, have a lesson plan ready to go for introducing cubes. This lesson has activities for small groups that follow the 5E lesson model. A worksheet is also included with an answer key. 7 printable pages. By TeacherNyla Nyla’s Crafty teaching
Easter Math Time Clock

Easter Math Time Clock

Celebrate Easter Time by making Easter Math Clocks. These clocks have numbered Easter eggs as hours and a chick on the hour hand and the minute hand. They also have a panel at the base for showing digital time to mach the analog time. Hour strips ranging from 1 to 12 and minute strips ranging from 00 to 59 are included for analog to digital matching. TeacherNyla Nyla's Crafty Teaching
3D Shape Attribute Sorting Activity plus flash card labels

3D Shape Attribute Sorting Activity plus flash card labels

3D Shape Sorting Activity. Use these 3D shape Venn diagram rings in conjunction with these 3D Shape Flash cards to keep your students engaged in a self-checking Attribute Matching Activity for 3D shapes. The 3D Shapes used are: cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cones, prisms, cylinders and spheres. Here’s what you can get from this set: -Revision Flash Card Ring Set - To revise the attributes of the each of the 3D shapes. Just punch a hole in each of the triangular tips and keep them on a key ring. -Large Venn Diagram rings for Attribute Sorting - To get your students proficient in sorting, start off by using one attribute ring at a time. After each attribute type is mastered, move on to using two rings, then interloping them like a Venn Diagram. It is best for students to use real 3D manipulatives but if you do not have any available, you can cut-out, print and laminate the ones found on the last page. Students can check their own work for errors by comparing the data on the flash cards with what they have matched. Your fast learners can be given more challenge by having to sort up to three or even four attributes using the interlocking Venn Diagrams. - You can also use the flash cards as labels to label shapes in the classroom!
Measurement Task Cards for mm and cm

Measurement Task Cards for mm and cm

Measurement task Cards! Use these measurement task cards to introduce the cm and mm. The set includes a free tutorial about measuring with a ruler. There are a total of 24 task cards with pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length or height of the object to be expressed in cm. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks to complete each statement. Also included is a printing guide and printable rulers. The game 'Scoot' can be played with these as well. I used British spellings for the terms 'centimetre' and 'millimetre'. 14 Pages. For grades 3-5.
Inchworm Task Cards - Worksheet - and Rulers

Inchworm Task Cards - Worksheet - and Rulers

Use these measurement task cards to introduce the inch using printable inchworm rulers. The set includes a tutorial about measuring with an inchworm ruler. There are a total of 6 task cards, each with two pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length, height or width of the object to be expressed in inches. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks on the card to complete each statement. A worksheet and answer key are also included to be used with the cards. These task cards include: 2 tutorial cards 12 objects to be measured in inches only 1 Worksheet 2 Answer Key Cards Printable Inchworm Rulers A printing guide 9 pages.
Measurement Task Cards for Inches - whole half and quarter inch

Measurement Task Cards for Inches - whole half and quarter inch

Measurement Task Cards for Inches! Use these measurement task cards to introduce the inch. The set includes a tutorial about measuring with an inch ruler. There are a total of 12 task cards, each with two pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length, height or width of the object to be expressed in inches. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks to complete each statement. They can also fill out their answers on the record sheet. The game 'Scoot' can be played with these as well. These task cards include: - 2 tutorial cards - 12 object to be measured in inches only - 6 objects to be measured in half inch increments – for third grade students - 6 objects to be measured in quarter inch increments – for third grade students - 2 student recording sheets - Answer keys *Printing tip* To make sure that they print to scale, always select 'Print actual size' in the printing window. 13 pages.
3D Shape Dominoes Game

3D Shape Dominoes Game

This is a colourful 3D Shape Dominoes Game for reinforcing the 3D shapes (spheres, cones, cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids and prisms) by their names, nets, description and pictorial representation. There are 22 cards in this set. It's a fun way to learn. Just laminate and cut up. Instructions for players are included.
Fraction Dominoes Game

Fraction Dominoes Game

Fractions are fun with these colourful fraction dominoes! This game is perfect for enriching fraction lessons and is great as an activity on its own. It has 54 fraction domino cards with 3 doubles and three blanks included. Print out on card stock paper and cut out cards OR print on regular paper, laminate each sheet then cut out cards using a guillotine. To play, match the numeral fraction to its corresponding shape fraction. For higher grades, equivalent fractions can be matched. Instructions for playing and a game modification for higher students are included.
3D Shapes Worksheets - Sorting Activities - Nets - Posters

3D Shapes Worksheets - Sorting Activities - Nets - Posters

Everything you need to teach about 3D shapes is found in this illustrated tutorial booklet. From definitions and real world examples to a nets folding activity. Shapes featured are cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, cones, triangular pyramids, rectangular pyramids and triangular prisms. The sections in this book are: ★ Introduction to 3D Shapes ★ 3D Shape Definitions ★ 3D Shape Examples (real world) ★ 3D Shape Nets ★ 3D Shape Properties ★ 3D Shape Memory Game ★ 3D Shape Posters ★ 3D Shape Word Wall ★ 3D Shape Sorting Activity ★ Nets of 3D Shapes (with flaps) ★ Nets of 3D Shapes (without flaps) ★ 3D Shape are Everywhere (a theme based quest) ★ Foldable cut-out Activity for Notebooks ★ 3D Shape Attributes worksheet (with Answer Key) ★ Naming 3D Shapes Worksheet (with Answer Key) ★ Matching 3D Shapes Worksheet (with Answer Key) The nets provided have been created with and without flaps for your students. Use the nets with the flaps to make durable models (print on card Bristol board paper). The nets without flaps should be used for investigating the attributes of each shape Allow students to number each face, cut each net into individual 2D shapes to see how these 2D shapes attach in such a way that they form a 3D Shape. The final page contains a table for students to record the number of faces, edges and vertices on each 3D shape from the folding activity. For Grades 3-6. 60 Pages. (c) Nyla's Crafty Teaching 2013
Elapsed Time Rulers - 12 hour and 24 hour Time Spans

Elapsed Time Rulers - 12 hour and 24 hour Time Spans

Elapsed Time Rulers! There are many ways to teach elapsed time and over the years I've learned that having a visual time span for the students to follow is the easiest and fastest way for them to understand and map out elapsed time for themselves. These elapsed time rulers are available in three different time spans: - 24 hour ruler (from 12:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. to 12:00a.m. again) - a.m. 12 hour ruler - p.m. 12 hour ruler I colour coded them in red and blue; red for the hours (upper half) and blue for the minutes (lower half). Five minute and fifteen minute increments are also shown in blue. Use it like a number line. Count on from the starting time to the completion time of an event. Directions are included. Teachers can print them on transparent sheets to use with an overhead projector to demonstrate their use. To print them out for the students, use 8.5 x 14 (legal) sized paper to accommodate the full length of the rulers.
3D Shape Word Wall

3D Shape Word Wall

3D Shape illustrated word wall. The solids included are: cube, cuboid / rectangular prism, sphere, cone, cylinder, triangular pyramid, square based pyramid, triangular prism, solid, 3D shape, face, edge, and vertex. It also has illustrations and real world pictures of each shape on each word card. A large ‘definition of a 3D shape’ sentence strip is also included for you to place just above your word wall in your classroom. Each page has three word cards and they are to be printed on 8.5 x 14 (landscape legal) sized paper. 7 Pages. For Grades 2 to 5. (c) Nyla's Crafty Teaching 2014